How To Qualify For Franchise Financing In Canada A Franchising Finance Business Loan That Makes

What do I need to do to get to the goal line? That’s a favorite client question when it comes to franchise financing in Canada. We’re talking about a franchising business loan to finance your new business (or one that exists already which you’re buying).

Information. Solid info that you want on the qualifications and process involved in getting approved for your franchise investment. Let’s dig in.

To say that franchise finance is a ‘ specialty’ area of Canadian business financing is an understatement. There is a fundamental misunderstanding of how this type of finance works, the processes around it, and the risks that you can avoid by doing things properly… with some expert advice along the way.

Is there a systematic way, or method that Canadian franchisees can use to get the financing they need? We think there is. Essentially it is really two very simpe concepts, planning, and knowing the process. Simple as that.

Many new Canadian franchisee ‘ wannabees’ view financing as an obstacle. We can forgive those clients sometimes because in the last few years any type of business financing has been a challenge, whether you’re General Motors or purchasing a new franchise in the restaurant industry!

Many franchisees (mistakenly so) think the franchisor you are working with is either going to provide you with the financing you need, or in some cases at least steer you in the right direction. They might do a bit of the latter, but let’s be honest here; the franchisors job is selling franchises, not financing them. Even various banks and other franchise lenders probably would like to see franchisors being more involved in the franchising finance business, but we simply don’t think that is going to happen.

Education. And guess what, we are not talking about educating you, we’re talking on your need to be able to educate your franchise lender about why you are the perfect franchise financing in Canada candidate.

And who are the franchise lenders in Canada. That’s probably the main thing you wanted to know, isn’t it? There are 4 key franchise lenders in Canada. They are the Canadian chartered banks under a special program called the BIL/CSBF program , one or two very specialized franchise finance lenders ( they only do very large transactions ) , and thirdly some independent finance firms that offer equpment financing tailored specifically for the franchise industry .

But didn’t we say there were 4 lenders? We did. And we’re pretty sure you know that 4th lender already. It’s yourself, because your own equity portion or down payment into your business is viewed of course as a debt or a loan.

So whats the clear process in qualifying for franchise financing in Canada. Is there a clear road map you can follow? We categorically think there is. And here it is.

Identify the total franchise funding you need. Determine what amount of owner equity you are prepared to put into the transaction. Anywhere from 10 – 40% is typically required. Determine which of the 3 other methods of financing will allow you to cobble together a total solution to finance your new business.

Next step – prepare a package that includes a business plan, cash flow, info on yourself and the franchisor, with a focus on success and repayment of your debt. Along the way don’t forget that you need reasonable personal credit history, and boy does some specific industry experience or general business knowledge help in confirming your future ability to be successful for a franchise finance business loan.

Focus on the best financing that matches your needs; we strongly recommend the BIL program which has great rates, terms, structures, and limited personal guarantees.

Going it alone? It’s possible. A better idea? Speak to a trusted, credible an experienced Canada business financing advisor on information and help on franchise financing in Canada. Next step = ‘ You’re approved ‘!

Business Franchise Loan Challenges Here’s How Franchising Loans Really Work In Canada

Business franchise loan challenges in Canada? We’re the first to admit that the concept of getting a ‘ tip ‘ in business is not always a good thing but we’re drawing from successful experience in franchising loans that assist clients who are serious about entering this type of business.. and being successful!

There is of course a long journey between the time you decide to purchase a franchise to the time that ribbon opening! Along the way you have been vetted by the franchisor, investigated, probably spent some time in training and orientation, and… Oh yes, we forgot… faced the finance challenge of buying the business!

Many franchisees either struggle or are uninformed about how much equity, aka ‘ down payment ‘ they have to put in the business. We forgive them for this confusion because it’s a three pronged issue –

1. How much capital the owner can comfortable raises or put in

2. How much equity capital is required by the type of financing you ultimately enter into?

3. How much capital in some cases that the franchisor insists on as a prerequisite to entering into their program – typically that amt. is one to listen to carefully as its often based on the franchisors experience as to what it takes to be financially successful, not just ‘ sales and revenue successful ‘!

While Canadian chartered banks have in essence recognized and embraced the franchise industry as a key borrowing segment it is very important to note that almost never to they finance franchises directly – even less so when it’s not an ‘ asset heavy ‘ deal . So what our banks do is to carefully tailor some large national programs around the franchisors willingness to work with them in a worst case scenario – i.e. The financial failure of your business!

If you are fortunate enough to acquire a business that’s a part of a very large and successful respected chain you should be congratulated and might find some financing solace. If that is not the case one of the best possible solutions for your financing decision comes from an acronym. And that acronym? It’s the BIL loan program which hundreds/thousands of franchisees use to facilitate the financing of their franchise if the purchase price is under 350k – which is the program finance cap.

Whether you are borrowing from a specialty franchise lender (yes they do exist) or from a bank or commercial finance firm it’s important that the franchisee demonstrate reasonable personal financial history. That of course means that you can demonstrate that you have run your personal finances in a manner that reflects how you would run your franchise.

Lenders and even the franchisors themselves can easily verify your personal financials via credit bureau reports, statements of personal asset, etc.

Understanding the up front challenges of franchising loans will save you time, money and ultimately guarantee financing success. Seek out and speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can assist you with your business franchise loan needs.

Deciding On How To Finance A Franchise Canadian Franchising Business Loan Info On Financing And L

Not only do you want to have a solid plan when you want to finance a franchise in Canada – it sure helps when that plan makes sense for the business financing loan / loans that you need!

We think that most Canadian entrepreneurs who are either first time franchisees or perhaps are adding another location to their business would agree that its not as important as to where the franchise lending and business funding comes from, but that you get the full funding at terms that make sense for you personally .

Let’s examine some of those key decision points and requirements that you need to fulfill a proper franchise financing solution in Canada.

We think that a lot of franchisees are sometimes overly focused on ‘ the interest rate ‘ when they are seeking a franchise loan. That’s human nature we guess, but the reality is that the loan is simply commensurate with your overall credit quality and in line with the types of financing that are out their in the Canadian business financing market – unfortunately that market for new franchisees is somewhat more limited that in the U.S.

In Canada franchises are financed really in only 3 or 4 different manners — actually 5 we could say if you considered financing the whole franchise yourself through personal savings.

While that might seem a good idea we think in many cases it is not for a variety of reasons – i.e. collapsing personal investments and savings and assets when you don’t have to cant be an overall great strategy. We spoke awhile back to a franchisee who had pledged and used all his personal assets to acquire a franchise – business was slow, and he was unable to secure additional outside financing to re- boot the business because all his personal assets were pledged/gone. Bottom line, not recommended!

So the question then becomes as to how you decide to finance a franchise once you have made that acquisition decision. We’d like to share a couple key points. First of all, whether it’s a franchise or any business whatsoever, it’s financed by two guys, debt, and equity; i.e. what you borrow and what you put in yourself. Spend some time determining the optimal mix and you will best be able to gravitate to the right financing strategy.

In Canada these days we see franchisees putting in anywhere from 10 -50% as their personal investment into the business. Whats the perfect number? The reality is there isn’t one, because each business requires a different amount of financing and has a different mix of assets and financing needs. The key assets and financing needs in franchising are all your initial soft costs, such as the franchise fee, and then comes your costs to open the door, often called the ‘ turnkey ‘. That turnkey component consists of equipment, leaseholds and opening working capital.

We spoke of 4 methods of franchise financing in Canada .Those are as follows : Specialized commercial finance firms that have dedicated franchise finance divisions , Equipment financing, Working Capital term loans as a supplement to your overall financing, and finally the BIL/CSBF loan . The latter is the government SBL loan that is used by hundreds, probably thousands of franchisees to acquire their franchise. It only has one or two limitations, one of which is that it caps out at 350k, but that certainly covers a lot of franchises in Canada in different industry segments – examples restaurants, service businesses, etc.

So, today’s bottom line? Simply that spending some quality time early on in the process in understand which of the 4 options makes sense for you is a valuable investment. That time, coupled with your business plan and financial projections will help you ensure that you have the right mix of financing solution, as well as a properly chosen business loan strategy for your franchise.

Speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor on how to best decide which financing mechanism works for you.

How To Get A Canadian Business Loan For Franchise Funding Solid Franchising Lending Tips

They usually always start with only one question. Who is ‘ they ‘? Its clients with that age old question ‘ How hard or difficult is it to get a business loan for a franchise in Canada these days? They of course have made one of the biggest decisions in their lives/ careers, vis a vis becoming a franchisee in this booming industry – now the only problem is …’ What type of franchise lending and funding is available ?’

Well, we’ll share with you some tested and proven strategies around franchise financing in Canada, focusing on completing a successful transaction in a minimum amount of time, with a finance plan that works for you, not just the lender!

On its own franchising has somehow become an industry with a strong and viable reputation. It, like all industries was hammered hard during the 2008-2009 recession; bus has bounced back strongly, even moreso than many other industries.

So, it becomes a simply two part question then, can you get a franchise loan these days, and more importantly, how?

There are some key factors to consider, one of which is simply aligning you, hopefully with a strong franchisor. So once you have made the decision to partner with a franchisor (we use partner because we think they need you as much as you need them!) you only need one thing. Whats that one thing?

It’s a ‘ package ‘. By that we of course mean that you need a solid little package that convinces both the franchisor, and of course moreso the lender that you are equipped, from a financial and planning perspective to be a winner as a franchisee.

So what are the key elements of a successful winning plan? It’s really pretty basic stuff, and in our experience many good franchisors have already done a good job of helping you prepare for this. Those key elements are as follows – an overview of your own background and experience, an overview of the franchisors business ( its your new business too, by the way!) and a solid financial plan that demonstrates two things: how you will make money , and of interest to the lender, what type of cash flow you will have to repay the loan!

It’s a bit of mis information when franchisees come to us having assumed the franchisor helps them get the financing. Some do assist in a mild sort of way, but we can assure you that you’re on your own when it comes to achieving final success.

So the question then becomes how do you get prepared and qualified? Answers as follows! Get working on that business and financial plan we talked about. Identify the amount that you can contribute to the business, essentially your ‘ owner equity ‘, with the rest coming from your loan or loans. Typically a minimum of 10% and up to 30-40% is required.

It’s always helpful to know how the last guy succeeded, don’t you think. In reality the largest per cent of franchise financing in Canada is done via a government sponsored loan that’s formally called the BIL/CSBF program. Why that loan , and why you should investigate it ?Some great reasons are 5-7 year payback terms, great market interest rates, no pre payment penalties , and you don’t even have to personally guarantee the full loan . Is there a better deal in town? Maybe, it just that we haven’t found it.

We also hasten to add that for any type of business loan, and certainly in franchise lending, the funding and approval of your loan assumes you have a reasonable personal credit history.

So, want to get with the program? Speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can assist you to meet your franchise funding and lending needs, today!

Financing A Franchise Business Purchase Loan In An Economic Downturn Canadian Franchising Loans Ex

The right approach. That’s definitely what it takes to finance a franchise business purchase in somewhat challenging economic times.

The majority of aspiring franchisees in Canada look to banks and specialized finance firms when investigating the purchase of a new or existing franchise business. Let’s investigate successful criteria and methods for completing the purchase of such a business.

Do Canadian banks finance a franchise? That naturally is the instinctive first ‘ go to ‘ when it comes to the entrepreneur’s choice of completing a business purchase in the franchise industry. Broadly speaking they don’t specifically finance franchises outside of specialized government or franchisor programs.

If you have a stellar personal net worth and credit rating we suppose that many banks would consider some sort of term loan based on collateralizing your personal assets… that naturally is not our recommended strategy, as we hav always felt its important to separate your business and persoanl life when it comes to finances.

Jut how important is your personal credit history as well as your overall financial profile… what the finance folks call you personal net worth – simply speaking ‘ what you have ‘ and ‘ what you owe’! We assure clients that a strong emphasis is placed on your personal credit and business background – typically you would want a ‘ beacon score ‘ at the credit bureau to be in excess of 650.

If you do choose to secure a franchise with personal assets you’ll be asked to provide collateral such as a home mortgage, etc. Again, as we said that’s not our recommended strategy.

So if the banks don’t finance franchises in Canada who does. Are you ready? Banks! What do we mean by that seeming contradiction? Simply that the majority of franchises in Canada are financed by the banks, but via vehicle known as the BIL/CSBF loan. It’s a program run by the federal government which many banks have adopted as a solid vehicle to finance franchises in Canada.

The basics of the program lend themselves pretty perfectly to financing a franchise business purchase, and the structure of these loans fits what you are trying to achieve. Why? Simply because terms of the loan are from 5-7 years, rates are commensurate with many other types of business financing, with the ‘ kicker’ being that you only are required to guarantee 25% of the loan.

Will a franchisor step in to help you finance your business? That’s a question we get a lot, and the answer generally is ‘ NO ‘. In a number of cases though franchisors have worked out packages that can more easily facilitate the bank completing a financing. This tends to work with larger brands and larger business acquisitions in franchising. The bottom lone, don’t expect internal financing from your franchisor.

Other key aspects of successfully finance a franchise in a downturn are common sense business elements – a solid business plan, locating a banker of financial advisor that is experienced in franchise loans, and aligning yourself with a successful franchisor based on your own personal and business background .

Speak to a trusted credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor on how you to can finance a business purchase in challenging times.